Monastery visit
Well, Dec 28th is almost here. That would be the 3rd day of the Season of Christmas.
I would like to meet everyone at St. Patrick's church parking lot before 8:00 am so that we could arrive at the Monastery of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Clear Creek a little after 9:00 am. Steve Denton, Dino, Jimmy, and Steve Zedler have my cell phone number if anyone needs to call me. Or before Wednesday, u can email me.
That should get us there in time for the Father Guestmaster to talk to us just before Terce.
Guests are allowed to attend some of the "Hours" of the Divine Office: Prime, Terce, Sext, None and Vespers. The Divine Office and Holy Mass are celebrated in Latin and sung in Gregorian Chant. This is the schedule. We will have to talk about and decide on exactly when we need to return, but I am pretty sure we will be back in Tulsa by 8:00 pm at the latest.
PRIME at 8:00 a.m.
SUNG HIGH MASS: 10 a.m., preceded by TERCE
SEXT at 12:50 p.m.
NONE at 2:35 p.m. weekdays
VESPERS: 6 p.m. during the week
The Father Guestmaster has invited us to eat lunch with the Monks in the refectory, and I have told him to expect 7 guests. And on that, we are guests, and are observing the Monks in their home and lives, they are not about consumer Christianity in any way, so we won't be catered to, if that makes sense. I am hoping to schedule one of the Monks to talk to us about his life there, but they may not have the time.
This will be a great time to step outside of our culture and be alone with God, bring a Bible, prayer list, Rosary, book, or whatever you want to focus on during the day. We could also do some centering prayer if anyone wants to talk about that. I certianly am looking forward to it.