Theology on Tap!
Everyone is invited to join us at Theology on Tap!
Theology on Tap is held at McNellie's (409 East 1st Street) every 2nd Tuesday of the month, the next meeting is August 14 at 8 p.m. They meet upstairs. The topic this month is on the Eucharist, and Fr. Gregory Gier from Holy Family Cathedral will be speaking.
He will speak for about 20 minutes then he opens the floor for questions/comments. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion. The group understands that everyone is on a journey of discovery of God's will in their lives and many are searching...just who is this God and what is the church and how does this all fit in with my life?
People start gathering at 7, have supper or a beer and mingle. Come hoist a brew and ponder the mysteries of God!
The next meeting will be September 11, same place, topic: Charismatic movement.
On the off chance that everyone who sees your nice-looking l'il jpg will be thinking, "Surely someone else will tell them," I thought I'd just mention that you're missing one of the "o"s in "theology."
By Savage Baptist, at 8:34 PM
Thank you! It's been bugging me for days!
By Unknown, at 7:32 PM
LOL, that is a screen capture of the Roman Diocese of Tulsa's website, I thought the misspelling was kinda cute.
By Monk-in-Training, at 7:10 PM
okay I saw you on someone else's blog and had to stop by and say hello!
Love the pub and study time idea.. might have to borrow that one and use it in Auburn Alabama.
By Melissa, at 6:09 PM
Hello Dr. Jones. Thank you so much from commenting on my review of your book. I never thought you would see it. I am very much interested in speaking more about this with you. How can I get in touch with you via email?
By Dn. Theodore Paraskevopoulos, at 1:30 PM
Hey all I am new to Tulsa from Minneapolis and I am looking for a good emergent church I live on the south side but I am willing to drive can anyone help me?
By Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
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