Emergent Tulsa Cohort

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Preaching Reimagined

At our next gathering, Thursday, February 1st, we're going to spend some time thinking through preaching, trying to converse around some themes Doug Pagitt highlights in his book, Preaching Reimagined. While you probably don't have time to buy the book and read it, there are a couple reviews that I think are worth a quick read before we gather. Here's one from the Christian Century and another from The Ooze.

We'll see where the conversation takes us! Look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, January 22, 2007


ETREK is a learning opportunity that is the brainchild of Spencer Burke (of the Ooze.com fame). ETREK offers you the chance to have ongoing dialog with others who are on the journey of following Christ including some of the great leaders in spiritual formation and ministry including people like Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet and our own Mark Riddle.

Well, ETREK is taking a road trip to OKC this winter/spring and you can get on board for a mere $249 UPDATE! The price has now been reduced to $199. Confirmed conference call guests include Frederica Matthews-Green, Karen Ward, Phyllis Tickle, Earl Creps, Dan Phillips and a surprise guest to be named later.

For dates and details check out Todd's blog (Todd works with Spencer on this and is largely responsible for most of the legwork).

Also, be sure to take note of the Renovare Conference in OKC at the Crossings Community church on February 16-17.